Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Down 3 lbs!!

I stepped on the scale today.. and since last Wednesday I am down 3 lbs! I guess not eating past 8PM and not using any more than my daily points allowance really helped! It wasn't even that hard! Just a few simple changes and I did it!

I'm really proud of myself and this week I am also not going to use any of my extra points.. lets see if I can do it two weeks in a row! I figure if I do it for a longer period of time I'll get used to it instead of being used to going over.. every single day. For me that just isn't okay. I want to lose not maintain!

Next week I am going to start another 30 day work out challenge. I am going to do the same as I was doing before .. min 5 minutes of workout every single day for 30 days straight! I will most likely start that on February 6th. I have a lot going on this week/weekend and may not find the time to hit the treadmill.

I will let you know when I start for sure.

Have any fun workout suggestions for me?? This challenge I am going to be doing more Zumba and Taebo! Should be fun.. I may even try some new workout classes as well!

Take care all and thank you for being so supportive!!


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