Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 3!

Today I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sore. OUCH! My thighs burn so much.. but at the same time it feels SOOOOOOO GOOD!!

The pain doesn't bug me as much as I went to see my massage therapist today.. perfect timing! haha and she made me feel soo good. The way she dug her thumbs into my upper thighs!! OH YA!! Anyways my muscles feel much, much looser.

For my workout tonight I decided to do something different. I did a 30 minute workout on my exercise ball.
I brought my gear up to my room which included a yoga mat, my exercise ball and an 8 lb dumbbell. I turned some dance music on my iPhone, found a link and started doing it.

I did two sets of the back extensions, ball balance, butt lift, hip extension and ball rotation. Now that I see it I'm kind of surprised I did that in 30 minutes as it doesnt seem like much.. but it is reallly, REALLY hard to perfect the moves!! After almost falling off the ball multiple times I finally was able to do the moves and was even able to do them a second time :).

It felt good.. except for the feeling afterwards of wanting to be sick.

I'll definitely do this again and maybe next time I will work out a different area of my body :)!

Have a great day!


  1. I did the exercise ball this past weekend and died lmao!

  2. Hahaha I love the description about the massage therapist ;)

