Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 25 & 26 & 27

Hi all,

It snowed, it snowed!! *Jumps for joy*

YES I am one of those people that loves snow!! I can't wait to get a pile of it and go snowmobiling!!!

Anyways.. I've been going strong on the working out. On Sunday I really pushed myself running on the treadmill and speedwalking uphill. My feet/ankles HURT SO BADLY!! :( I just kept getting sharp pains in my legs.. it was a very uncomfortable feeling.. Oh well.

At least my steelers won! I was happy about that :)

Mondays are always hard for me as they are my longest day, so I decided to go for a stroll with my lovely friend Samantha at lunch :) It was rather cold.. but nice! :)

ROOF was good :). I truly love volunteering there!

Anyways.. today I did a smaller workout as my legs were still hurting and did 120 sit ups on my exercise ball. Not sure if my core is getting stronger or if its the fact that the ball doesnt have as much air in it as last time.. but it was VERRRY easy :). I powered through!

Anyways.. time to get back to work!



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