Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 28-30!


Feels sooo good. I actually only realized today that it was the last day.. I thought tomorrow was lol.

Day 28- Friday

Friday I did another ball workout. I did another 200 situps and did 3 other types of exercises as well. 20 minutes. Decent time :)

Day 29-Saturday
Saturday was a busy day. Pete and I went to Kingston to see his family so we didn't get home until 10:30 and by the time we did I was sooo tired and achey. I opted to do the bare minimum (for the first time during this challenge) and did just 5 minutes of an activity. I did stretching! Yes, that is an option.

It felt so fantastic when I was done too :)

Day 30-Sunday
I woke up feeling not so great this mornin.. I opted out of zumba and instead went grocery shopping with my mom. Pushed the cart around (it was a difficult cart at that and required alot of manual turning!) I then came home and went with my mom and brady for a 20 minute walk :) Twas good!

I thought that was enough but then pete and I did a brisk walk to starbucks.. 20 mins or so.

I'm so happy I finished this challenge and my next post will be about my next challenge that I am starting today :)



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