Saturday, January 14, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hi all,

This quote of the week reminds me of the things people are saying to me about my blog. This quote relates to the inspiration that I have helped others achieve within themselves. I love this quote and now I am sharing it with you :)

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared- Buddha

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I believe being happy is one of the greatest things about life. That even in the darkest of days there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. That sharing your happiness with others and helping others to see the good in themselves is a beautiful thing. People think I'm wack because I smile ALL OF THE TIME (that isn't a lie... apparently I even smile in my sleep!!). Sharing a smile with a stranger can be a touching experience. There was one day I was feeling like shat.. I had just left my doctor's office after finding out I had mono. I was really, really upset. I walked out of the building and this man was walking towards me and just smiled and said "hello". I smiled and said hello back. It seriously brought me out of my funk. Made me feel good even though inside I felt very unhappy and sad. Share your happiness people! There is more than enough to go around!!

Enjoy your saturday!



  1. that quote is meaningful (:
    CMPang x

  2. I love this quote and yes very meaningful!

    PS. Just followed you doll. I know we're following each other on FB but didn't know I was not following your blog. If you want to follow back feel free...or maybe you are already! :))

    <3 Marina
